
Navigating Long Leadtimes Through Forecasting

Navigating Long Leadtimes Through Forecasting By Ammar Khan, CEO at Calderon Textiles Competitively priced and high quality products are produced in areas globally where there is competitive advantage. Textile manufacturing and US based importers source products in Asia because of competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is created because of proximity to raw materials, labor costs, … more »
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RFID in Textiles: Exploring Inventory Conversion

RFID in Textiles: Exploring Inventory Conversion By Ammar Khan, CEO at Calderon Textiles As referenced by Jack Morgan in his August 2023 TRSA article “Flatwork Tagging Coming of Age,” the first wave of laundry operators to implement RFID-enabled operations have experienced significant cost reductions and efficiencies, specifically “significant savings on textile ordering, recovery of missing rental … more »
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Insights into Textile Leadership: Honoring Dr. Elizabeth Easter

Insights into Textile Leadership: Honoring Dr. Elizabeth Easter By Ammar Khan, CEO at Calderon Textiles This past month, I had the privilege of meeting with the esteemed Dr. Elizabeth Easter, Director of the University of Kentucky’s Textiles Testing Lab. From the moment we began our conversation, it was clear I was in the presence of … more »
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Unlocking Efficiency and Precision: The Advantages of RFID Chips in Commercial Laundry

Unlocking Efficiency and Precision: The Advantages of RFID Chips in Commercial Laundry By Christy Perdue, Director of Corporate Accounts at Calderon Textiles In the ever evolving commercial laundry industry, efficiency and precision are paramount. The integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has emerged as a transformative solution, revolutionizing operations and enhancing customer satisfaction. With … more »
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